
In today’s turbulent economic climate, business bankruptcy is a very real risk for creditors. When a business files for bankruptcy, there can be a domino effect, threatening the financial security of other companies to which money is owed. Proactive creditors with skilled creditors’ rights attorneys on their side often get paid first.

Over the past 30 years, Doré Rothberg Law, P.C. has helped hundreds of clients in creditors’ rights cases. We work to protect the interests of our clients as soon as they become aware of their customers’ financial difficulties, and at every stage of the bankruptcy process. Doré Rothberg represents business creditors in a broad spectrum of industries, including energy and real estate.

While many firms get spooked when the opposing side claims “bankruptcy,” Doré Rothberg jumps at that opportunity to recover for its clients. From the moment we get involved, we’re ready to handle potential bankruptcy concerns. Our team has been involved with bankruptcies all over the country, including Houston, Tennessee, Delaware, and New York.

Knowledgeable Fort Worth and Houston Creditors’ Rights Attorneys

When a customer or other debtor owes your company money, you must act promptly to protect your rights. Your rights as a creditor do not end when a debtor files bankruptcy—but you must take certain steps to protect and enforce those rights. Working with an experienced creditors’ rights attorney as early as possible is the best way to position your business to receive the payment to which it is entitled.

Our Bankruptcy Services

  • Advising creditors of their rights, options, and risks
  • Ensuring creditor compliance with complex bankruptcy requirements
  • Filing statutory liens when permissible to improve our client’s position
  • Negotiating with the debtor or debtor’s representatives
  • Monitoring the progress of the bankruptcy to remain ahead of developments that could affect our client’s interests
  • Challenging debtor actions such as fraudulent transfers, preferential payments, or unlawful efforts to conceal assets, in order to maximize assets available to repay creditors
  • Objecting to the debtor’s proposed bankruptcy plan and participating in other contested matters
  • Defending creditors against preference claims filed by the bankruptcy trustee
  • Participating in creditor’s committees to ensure that our clients’ interests are best represented in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  • Pursuing litigation to protect clients’ interests, such as actions to enforce liens or other security interests

At Doré Rothberg, we plan ahead to protect our clients’ financial well-being, ideally long before their customers show signs of financial distress. In the event that our clients are faced with a customer’s bankruptcy, the protective measures we have taken all along position them for the most favorable possible outcome.

Comprehensive Protection for Creditors’ Rights

The business bankruptcy attorneys of Doré Rothberg are committed to diligent, thorough protection for both secured and unsecured creditors. We work within the bounds of complex bankruptcy law to ensure our clients’ claims are given the priority they deserve and to maximize their recovery. In addition to their bankruptcy expertise, our attorneys maintain board certifications in oil and gas, commercial real estate, residential real estate, and business bankruptcy law–which allows them to understand the pulse of these key industries.

Clients depend on our depth of experience in these matters to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Our attorneys have represented creditors in nearly every major energy bankruptcy for more than a decade. They are seasoned guides through an often challenging legal landscape, and effective communicators with bankruptcy trustees, courts, committees, and attorneys. The results we achieve are one reason we have decades-long relationships with many clients.

To learn more about Doré Rothberg’s business bankruptcy law practice and how we can help protect your company’s financial interests, contact us to schedule a consultation.